Take Action Now to Save Seattle's Trees

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections is seeking public comment on a draft Tree Protection Director’s Rule 13-2020. The updated Director’s Rule would significantly increase protection for trees in Seattle.
The deadline to respond is Monday August 17, 2020.

The Master Builders of King County is urging its members to send comments to the city, including delaying adopting the Director’s Rule for 18 months. Please help us get this Director’s Rule, with amendments, adopted now. The public has been urging more tree protection for 11 years now. No more delays!

We have prepared a pre- written letter, based on the just adopted recommendations of the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission that you can quickly send to the city.

Just fill out the contact information to let the city know who you are and click on the start writing link. Add your own comments to personalize the letter and click SEND. Thank you for your help!