2023 Campaigns to Preserve Seattle's Tree Canopy
Use our tools to contact your representatives.
Display a Yardsign
![save our trees yard-sign](https://www.dontclearcutseattle.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/yardsignnew-Edit-e1640253037418.jpg)
We’ve got pickup locations in Magnolia, South Seattle, Greenwood, Greenlake, and Wedgewood and also can arrange a drop off.
Canopies of Green Urban Density
Produced by Brady Lawrence and Martha Baskin
Dense housing policies and strong urban tree protections can co-exist. But only if policy makers recognize the import roles mature trees play to public health and climate mitigation, and enact construction codes that include protecting mature trees during residential construction. The video, “Canopies of Green Urban Density” showcases voices of an architect, bioregional planner and urban homeowner who understand that trees are essential to healthy, climate resilient communities. Originally produced in late 2022, the issue remains critical, as Seattle city leaders punt in passing a strong tree protection ordinance and state legislators consider legislation that would undermine such an ordinance were it passed.
Get Involved!
Contact City Officials
Send a letter to the Mayor, City Council, and tree-related department heads via our “Take Action” link.
To follow up with a phone call, contact your district council member, or just send an individual message, here is their individual contact info.
Get a Yardsign
Get a Save our Trees – Don’t Clearcut Seattle yardsign!
Contact info@dontclearcutseattle.org.
Help us increase public awareness of the Save Our Trees Campaign.
- Post leaflets (see resources) on community bulletin boards.
- Assist with our yard signs. We need help finding new locations and delivering signs.
- Promote https://dontclearcutseattle.org and our letter writing campaigns on social media.
To sign up or learn more, please contact info@dontclearcutseattle.org.