Comments on Seattle's Comprehensive Plan

Changes needed to Save Trees!

This Friday Dec 20, 2024 at midnight is the deadline to submit official comments on Mayor Harrell’s draft One Seattle Plan to up-zone neighborhood residential zones. This proposed legislation is going to the Seattle City Council, which can consider amendments and adopt as part of Seattle every 10-year update of its Comprehensive Plan. This update is required by the State’s Growth Management Act. (Comments can still be sent in after Friday to the City Council and Mayor. The City Council must adopt its Comprehensive Plan by June of 2025.)

We have major concerns as the plan further weakens the already compromised tree protections and replacement provisions in the 2023 Tree Ordinance.

You can view here the slide presentation OPCD gave to the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission in November.

Click here to get more detailed information on the One Seattle Plan, including videos and zoning maps.

See specifically the more readable 20 page document as to what is being proposed, including pictures and maps, is “Updating Seattle’s Neighborhood Residential zoning – A proposal to increase housing choice and fulfill requirements of House Bill 1110“. Early next year the city will release legislation to update multifamily housing zones.

We have summarized some of our concerns in an email that you can send as is or modify with your comments to the Mayor and City Council regarding our concerns with this update to current Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan update.

Please send an email today with your comments on Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan! Thanks for taking the time to comment!