Seattle Needs an Updated Tree Ordinance!

Seattle is not only losing its big trees but many others as developers scrape lots clean of trees to maximize their building sizes. Other trees are being lost due to illegal cutting on already developed lots.  We are not only losing these trees but they are not even being replaced as required by city law.

Urge the city to enforce Seattle’s current Tree Protection Ordinance!

Please make protecting and growing Seattle’s urban forest and trees a priority in meeting Seattle’s urban canopy goals. Tree removals are increasing drastically with Seattle current intensive development.

Require the Department of Construction and Inspections to vigorously enforce all provisions in the current ordinance and future updates. If they cannot do this, then transfer tree oversight and protection to the Office of Sustainability & Environment as recommended by the Seattle City Auditor in 2009.

Urge the city to strengthen our existing Tree Ordinance now!

As recommended by the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission and  33 citizen groups who signed the Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance letter of recommendations to the Mayor and City Council, move forward now to update and strengthen our current ordinance. We also support the recommendations as summarized in the July 11, 2018 recommendation of the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission: