Don’t Clearcut Seattle is a non-partisan coalition of groups and individuals working to save Seattle’s shrinking tree canopy. We are urging the Seattle City Council to update and enforce the tree ordinance as recommended by Seattle’s Urban Forestry Commission.

TreePAC logo

TreePAC The TreePAC mission is to influence citizens, government and businesses to preserve, protect and increase trees and the urban forest. TreePAC supports and contributes to candidates who care about our trees, lobbies policymakers, and raises awareness of the importance of trees and our urban forest for healthy, livable cities.

Are you tired of pleading, asking, arguing and proving that trees have public value? Join TreePAC and make change happen. Together we will be a lobby as powerful as the sports lobby.

Cass Turnbull, TreePAC founder.

Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest is a nonprofit organization  formed in 2010  to save Ingraham High Schools western tree grove. After that successful effort, the Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest has been active in educating the public and advocating for a stronger tree ordinance.

Neighborhood Treekeepers is working to raise public awareness on tree protection issues, and to motivate our elected leaders to enact an effective tree protection ordinance. After witnessing the ecological disaster from the unnecessary clearcutting of 25 majestic trees on a North Seattle lot, they teamed up with other Tree Protection groups in the city including TreePAC.  They are campaigning to urge the Seattle Mayor and City Council to immediately pass the updated Tree Protection Ordinance put forward by the Urban Forestry Commission.

Seattle has the fastest rate of development in the country, and we desperately need stronger tree regulations like other cities already have.